

Fisiolab Livorno is an orthopedic physiotherapy and physiokinesitherapy practice in Livorno. The goal of the highly specialized technical staff is to intervene in the first instance with a pain or inflammation reduction therapy and then start a process of recovering the functionality of the limbs, joints and muscles.

The physiotherapists and doctors of Fisiolab Livorno, through orthopedic physiokinesitherapy courses, guarantee you the correct kinesis, or the movement in its complete functionality for the mobility of the muscles, limbs and nervous system. At the Fisiolab Livorno studio you can request post-traumatic rehabilitation, sports rehabilitation or postural rehabilitation programs assisted by instrumental therapies such as tecar therapy, laser therapy and magnotherapy.

Rehabilitation gyms

Fisiolab Livorno is a study focused on the holistic well-being of your person and your rehabilitation needs. Aware that each patient has his/her own history and a different trauma, the staff of Fisiolab Livorno has accumulated many years of experience in the field of orthopedic rehabilitation and sports physiotherapy.

The experience combined with the medical skills make the staff of Fisiolab Livorno a point of reference throughout the province of Livorno for the resolution of various types of ailments and traumas such as fractures, sprains, back pain, whiplash and much more. To allow you to recover the full functionality of your limbs and renew the correct movement of your body, at the Livorno clinic there are rehabilitation gyms to practice guided stretching exercises and correct decontracting manipulations.
Therapies and treatments

Physiokinesitherapy for the respiratory and circulatory system

The staff of Fisiolab Livorno is made up of expert physiotherapists, physiatrists, orthopedists and sports doctors who turn their attention to the application of cutting-edge techniques for the care of your person. The physiokinesitherapy paths that you can follow at the Livorno office are useful not only for the correct functionality of your limbs and muscles, but also allow you to improve or resolve disorders related to the respiratory and circulatory system. Physiokinesitherapy practiced in the Fisiolab Livorno clinic is also recommended in the period of preparation for childbirth as well as to restore balance in the body damaged due to accidents or pathologies.
Physical therapies
Come visit us in Via Adua 6 in Livorno to request a pre-birth physiokinesitherapy course
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