Physical therapies


Fisiolab Livorno provides you with rehabilitation therapies respecting the traumatic nature of your disorder and your sensitivity. The clinic staff is very attentive to technological innovations in the rehabilitation and physiotherapy sector and follows constant updates for everything related to the research and study of cutting-edge equipment in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.

Fisiolab Livorno also has rehabilitation gyms in which manual physical therapies are carried out such as decontracting manipulation and rehabilitation exercises for the correct functionality of your limbs and your muscles. The operators of the center are specialized in massage therapy and tecar therapy and will be able to recommend rheumatological, postural, obstetrical, neurological rehabilitation therapies and much more.

Massophysiotherapy and decontracting manipulation

The physiotherapists who work in the Livorno clinic are highly qualified to guarantee you the application of manual techniques such as mobilization, stretching and pompage in order to reduce pain, remove stiffness and facilitate body movement.

Fisiolab Livorno is a point of reference throughout the province of Livorno for massage therapy, a practice that consists of a series of rhythmic manual maneuvers on a specific body segment in order to reactivate the functions of blood circulation, tissues or muscles. Massage therapy can also be used before or after sports activities in order to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.


The Fisiolab Livorno rehabilitation center offers you complete and multidisciplinary assistance that focuses on both rehabilitation and motor rehabilitation services. Each treatment takes place either with physiotherapy and manual rehabilitation therapies or with the aid of instrumental therapies such as laser therapy, magnotherapy, radar therapy, shock waves or tecar therapy.

In particular, tecar therapy is a technology that uses a low intensity radiofrequency and stimulates energy directly from inside the body by increasing the activation of normal cellular processes.
Tecar therapy allows the restoration of the natural balance of the affected area.
Find out the most suitable rehabilitation therapies for you
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